Story Time meets on Friday mornings at 10:30 am for children up to 5 years old.
Additionally, we offer a special Baby Story Time for our youngest learns, up to 18 months old, every Thursday morning at 10:30 am.
Currently, no registration is required for Story Time. It is a drop in program, but attendees must arrive on time; no one is permitted to enter once the program is underway.
Parent/guardian participation is the key to the success of this program. It is an opportunity for parents to introduce their children to reading and language in a fun way. Please join in the activities and show your child it’s fun!
- Please discuss proper audience behavior with your child before you come to the library program so they will know what is expected of them. If the children in your care become disruptive, please remove them until they are comfortable and willing to listen.
- Please do not bring snacks, drinks or toys.
- Parents/guardians are asked to bring their children to the programs on time so that they are able to participate.
- Parents/guardians are asked to refrain from cell phone use or other distractions during the Story Time program.
We appreciate your help in preserving an enjoyable and beneficial story time experience for all. We look forward to seeing you at the library!